When was the last time you asked a question?

A real question? Not one about your dinner plans or what to wear, but a good question that gained you a small piece of knowledge and coloured in your world that little bit more?

Every so often, we chance upon a question that gives us pause, that lights up something that had been lingering in the shadows.

Questions like these are rare, but need not be.

Why do such questions exist?

Because we make them exist.

A question’s very existence aims to erase the reason for its existence.

What is a good question?

A good question invites possibility. A series of good questions invites the continual exploration of the unknown.

Good questions bring us much closer to the answers we are seeking. Because when you are able to formulate a good question, you are already much closer to the answer even before asking the question.

Using questions to understand our world better, we are here to embrace and explore the pluralities of possibilities.

Have you asked a good question today?